What is INDIGO?
INDIGO was proposed to (and selected by) NASA under a Cooperative Agreement
Notice entitled, "Earth Science REASoN - Research, Education and Applications
Solutions Network-- A Distributed Network of Data and Information Providers for
Earth Science Enterprise Science, Applications and Education."
INDIGO provides support for the central offices of
the International GNSS Service (IGS, formerly the
International GPS Service), International Laser Ranging
Service (ILRS), and International VLBI Service for
Geodesy and Astrometry (IVS), as well as the Crustal
Dynamics Data Information System (CDDIS) data archive
system, to develop information systems which enable
the simultaneous use of multiple space geodetic techniques
for earth science.
The data and products from these services is made possible by the many worldwide
agencies that utilize their own resources to collaboratively create them.
What *isn't* INDIGO?
INDIGO does not aim to duplicate or obviate other related information
systems. INDIGO does not intend to collect the data and products
currently available on many archives worldwide at a single point.
Rather, INDIGO recognizes that distributed archives do and will
continue to exist, and intends to develop systems to enable seamless
and streamlined use of these archives. INDIGO will properly credit
the sources which make the data and products possible.