Average Power
23.3 W, neutral mode; 20.9w ion mode; 13.1 W sleep
Package Size
20.3 cm (H) x 42.2 cm (L) x 36.5 cm (W)
Data Rate
1498 bps telemetry rate, 31.1 ms integration period, 34.0 ms total sample period
Mass Range
1-8, 12-99 Da
Electron impact ion source energy
70 eV, 25 eV
Two secondary electron multipliers operating in pulse-counting mode
Closed Source
Spacecraft speed enhanced sampling of non-reactive neutral gases (e.g. N2, factor 50);
neutral source density >5x104 cm3
Open Source
Sampling of neutral gas, neutral radicals and ions with no surface interaction
(e.g. N, H2CN+); neutral source density >2x105 cm3; ion flux >104 cm-2 sec-1