This web page's content and links are no longer actively maintained. It is available for reference purposes only. NASA Official: Greg Neumann

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National Geographic Map of Mars The National Geographic Map of Mars was produced in a collaborative effort by the Mars Global Surveyor MOLA and MOC teams for the National Geographic Society.

It is an image of Mars that incorporates over 200 million laser altimeter measurements from MOLA and about a thousand wide-angle images from MOC. The altimetry accentuates details on the surface not visible in images due to the dusty atmosphere of Mars, and the image data provides realistic color. The image projection is Winkel-Tripel. (Image Credit: National Geographic Society, MOLA Science Team, MSS, JPL, NASA.)

High Resolution MOLA Map Using MOLA data through October of 2000, the Science Team has produced a very high resolution topographic shaded relief map of Mars that can be downloaded for general use.

Download a hi-res image (17.6 MB)

The map has a resolution 0.125° (300 dots per inch) and is shown as a mercator projection to latitude 70° north and south. For a larger map, click on the image at left.

Sky & Telescope Map This is a shaded relief image from MOLA was was featured in the article "The Highs and Lows of Mars" in the February, 2001 issue of Sky and Telescope.

Shown on the map are: the Tharsis province including the major volcanoes, the Valles Marineris, and the Chryse outflow regions. The Argyre impact basin can be seen at the lower right. A labeled map can be seen below.

Labeled Map This is a Global topographic map of Mars with major surface features labeled. (Credit: MOLA Science Team)

Grayscale Shade Map Using MOLA data through June of 2000, the MOLA Science Team has produced very high resolution topographic shade maps of Mars. The one at left is from 0 to 360 degrees E. Others are available here.

Download a hi-res image (4 MB)

False Color Topographic Map False Color Topographic Map The maps at left are global false-color topographic views of Mars at different orientations from the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter (MOLA). The maps are orthographic projections that contain over 200,000,000 points and about 5,000,000 altimetric crossovers. The spatial resolution is about 15 kilometers at the equator and less at higher latitudes. The vertical accuracy is less than 5 meters.

The first features the Hellas impact basin (in purple, with red annulus of high standing material). The second features the Tharsis topographic rise (in red and white). The third figure illustrates the fascinating subtle textures associated with resurfacing of the northern hemisphere lowlands in the vicinity of the Utopia impact basin (at the near-center of the image in blue). (All images credited to: MOLA Science Team)

View the Press release!

The resolution of the Mars Orbiter Laser Altimeter reveals changes in the topography that were not seen in previous images. This MOLA image shows ridges and craters that were not visible in earlier images. These images of new features give scientists a new look at the surface of Mars. Image credit: Dr. Susan Sakimoto

Larger Image (.pdf format)

Other MOLA Image Links

  • Global Slope and Roughness Maps

  • Martian Volcano Images

  • Valles Marineris Models

    Mars Global Surveyor Image Links

  • Movies and Animations of Mars Global Surveyor

  • Mars Global Surveyor Artist Impression

  • MGS Mars Orbiter Camera (MOC) Images

  • USA Govlogo Privacy Policy and Important Notices NASA Curator: Mark Torrence
    NASA Official: Greg Neumann
    Last Updated: 1/19/2007