This web page's content and links are no longer actively maintained. It is available for reference purposes only. NASA Official: Dr. Paul Mahaffy
Abbreviations and Acronyms
Abbreviations and acronyms are commonly used in space science. Here
is an alphabetical
listing of the ones used in the website.
- ACP: Aerosol Collector Pyrolyzer; part of Huygens probe
- AEB: Planetary Environments Lab, Code 699 at NASA GSFC
- On January 23, 2005 we became the Planetary Environments
Laboratory (Code 699) in the Solar
System Exploration Division (Code
690) of the Sciences and Exploration
Directorate (Code 600).
- AEL: Planetary Environments Laboratory, see AEB
- AMU: Atomic Mass Unit (old terminology, replaced by
- ASI: Italian Space Agency
- AU: Astronomical Units
- CAPS: Cassini Plasma Spectrometer; part of Cassini
- Cassini RADAR: Radio Detection and Ranging Instrument;
part of Cassini spacecraft
- CDA: Cosmic Dust Analyzer; part of Cassini
- CIRS: Composite Infrared Spectrometer; part of Cassini
- Da: Dalton, (Da) Unified atomic mass unit
- DISR: Descent Imager/Spectral Radiometer; part of Huygens probe
- DM: Descent Module; part of Huygens probe
- DWE: Doppler Wind Experiment; part of Huygens probe
- EDT: Eastern Dailylight Saving Time
- ENA: Entry Assembly; part of Huygens probe
- ESA: European Space Agency
- ESD: Earth
Sciences Directorate, (formerly Code 900) Now the
- Earth-Sun Exploration Division,
Code 610, at NASA GSFC
- ESOC: European Space Operations Center (Darmstadt,
- GC: Gas Chromatograph
- GCMS: Gas Chromatograph Mass Spectrometer
- GSFC: Goddard Space
Flight Center
- HASI: Huygens Atmospheric Structure Instrument; part of Huygens probe
- Hz: Hertz
- INMS: Ion and Neutral Mass Spectrometer; part of Cassini
- Designed and built by the AEL as
a "facility instrument" for the mission
- ISS: Imaging Science Subsystem; part of Cassini
- JPL: Jet Propulsion
- LA: Laboratory
for Atmospheres, Code 613 (formerly Code 910) at NASA GSFC
- MAG: Dual Technique MAgnetometer; part of Cassini
- MIMI: Magnetospheric Imaging Instrument; part of Cassini
- MS: Mass Spectrometer
- NASA: National
Aeronautics and Space Administration
- PDS: NASA's Planetary Data System
- PSA: European Space Agency's Planetary Sciences Archives
- PSE: Probe Support Equipment; part of Huygens probe
- PVA: Probe Support Avionics; part of Huygens probe
- RF: Radio Frequency
- RFE: Receiver Front End; part of Huygens probe
- RPWS: Radio and Plasma Wave Science; part of Cassini
- RSS: Radio Science Subsystem; part of Cassini
- RTG: Radioisotopic Thermoelectric Generators; part of Cassini
- RUSO: Receiver Ultra Stable Oscillator; part of Huygens probe
- SSP: Surface Science Package; part of Huygens probe
- SSED: Solar System Exploration Division
(Code 690) at NASA Goddard Space Flight Center
- UTC: Universal Time
- UVIS: Ultraviolet Imaging Spectrograph; part of Cassini
- VIMS: Visible and Infrared Mapping Spectrometer; part of
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- Site Developer/Designer: Catherine Micek