One area that INDIGO can assist the user community
is in the review and coordination of site information
available through the IAG services.
Web sites. Each geodetic service provides web access
to information about network stations:
Site metadata tables. Tables of IGS, ILRS, IVS, and
IDS sites have been created to show site metadata
currently available in CDDIS data base:
- Full list of site occupation information (ordered
by country html/text,
ordered by site html/text)
from CDDIS metadata (all historic as well as current
- List of co-located sites only (ordered by country html/text,
ordered by site html/text)
from CDDIS metadata
Site configuration. The four geodetic
services utilize some form of site log to describe
the installation of network stations. These logs
contain common elements across the services:
- Site identification
- Site name
- Code
- DOMES number
- Location information
- Site description (brief)
- Approximate coordinates
- Local ties
- Collocation information
- Monument description
- Instrumentation
- Technique specific
- Time/frequency standards
- Meteorological
- Contact information
The logs are archived and made available through the
service's central bureau/coordinating center web/ftp
sites. The responsibility of the creation and maintenance
of the site logs resides with the station operations
staff. Any changes to the site configuration (as documented
in the log) must be recorded in the site log and forwarded
to the service. Typically, the station staff downloads
the current log from the central bureau/coordinating
center website, makes necessary changes along with
the time period of the changes, and uploads the new
version through the appropriate channel. Service staff
reviews the submitted log, archives the old log, and
makes the new log available to the public.
General site information/site cataloging efforts. Catalogs
of site information have been in development for the
last 20+ years. From 1985 through the early 1990's,
the space geodesy group at GSFC worked on a hardcopy
catalog of sites supporting the Crustal Dynamics Project.
The latest version of this catalog was published in
1993: Bryant, Mark A., Carey E. Noll, NASA Space Geodesy
Project: Catalogue of Site Information. NASA TM 4482,
March, 1993. An online version is available at http://cddis.gsfc.nasa.gov/site_cat/.
Information about each site participating in the CDP
was gathered and categorized as follows:
- General site information
- Numbering
- Location
- Geographic region
- Tectonic plate
- Primary scientific purposes
- Site description
- Site topo map
- Geological information
- Monument information (for each monument utilized
by space geodesy)
- Numbering
- Type
- Inscription
- System
- Coordinates
- Differential coordinates
- Site sketch
- Occupation history
A more recent version of the catalog was started in
1998 as an online, web-based
version. The sections from the previous
version of the catalog were included and expanded
of the following items:
- Contact information
- Photos
- Monument information
- Site Sketch
- Occupation information
The IERS is responsible for the International
Terrestrial Reference System (ITRS) and its realization,
the International
Terrestrial Reference Frame (ITRF). A website of site
information supporting the ITRF is available at http://itrf.ensg.ign.fr/.
This new site provides the following site information:
- DOMES number database
- Local ties used in the ITRF
- ITRF products
- ITRF solutions
- Transformation parameters
- Site information
- Numbering
- Location
- Local ties
- ITRF station positions and velociities