This web page's content and links are no longer actively maintained. It is available for reference purposes only. NASA Official: Cynthia Cheung

GSFC Logo, Goddard Space Flight Center
ANTS: Autonomous NanoTechnology Swarm

Two Columns


7/21/06 - GSFC TET Walker
ANTS' Tet-Rovers briefly discussed on the SiFi channel
5/30/06 - Intelligent Beings in Space!
...a team led by Steven Curtis designing a more ambitious rover. It does not have wheels. Instead, it looks like a shape-changing jungle gym, with trusses that lengthen and shorten. A simple prototype has been built.
12/14/05 - Rovers that Walk on the Wild Side
Remember the horrific, three-legged fighting machines in Steven Spielberg's War of the Worlds? Well, those Martians may have been onto something.
4/11/05 - Space Robots to Become Ants
Nano, Nano Mork calling Orsen, falling over is a good way to get around...
4/8/05 - New Robots Shift Shape
A tetrahedral walker, or TETWalker robot, was demonstrated recently at NASA's Goddard Space Flight Center.
4/7/05 - A Tiny Robot Swarm - Fiction No Longer
NASA invites you to consider the versatility of a nanobot swarm that has “abundant flexibility” to change shape as needed.
4/4/05 - Space Image of the Day: Shape Shifting Robot
NASA engineers have unveiled a shape-shifting rover robot called “TETwalker.”
4/1/05 - Robotic Explorer Struts its Stuff
NASA successfully tests robotic prototype that may join exploration of other worlds...
4/1/05 - NASA Tests Shape-Shifting Robot Pyramid for Nanotech Swarms
Robots of this type will eventually be miniaturized and joined together to form “autonomous nanotechnology swarms” (ANTS).
3/31/05 - NASA to Conquer Space with Swarms of Tiny Robot Pyramids
Nasa is working on the ultimate in adaptable spacecraft - Ants, or autonomous nanotechnology swarms.
3/31/05 - The TETwalker and Autonomous Nanotechnology Swarms
Ready for another Mars robot? No? Too bad.
3/30/05 - Robotic Nanotech Swarms on 2034
NASA is testing a shape-shifting robot called “TETwalker” for tetrahedral walker, because it looks like a flexible pyramid
3/30/05 - Shrinking Tetrahedral Walkers to go to Mars
Proving once again that R. Buckminster Fuller's fascination with tetrahedrons wasn't as eccentric as it seemed, Roland Piquepaille writes...
3/30/05 - NASA Tests Shape-Shifting Robot Pyramid For Nanotech Swarms
Like new and protective parents, engineers watched as the TETWalker robot successfully traveled across the floor at NASA's GSFC in Greenbelt, Maryland.
3/29/05 - Shape-Shifting Robot Nanotech Swarms on Mars
The latest spacecraft sent to us is more a living thing than a robot. Shortly after launch from Earth, the tiny capsule blossomed into a sail and rode the solar wind to Mars.
3/29/05 - NASA Tests Shape-Shifting Robot Pyramid for Nanotech Swarms
“This prototype is the first step toward developing a revolutionary type of robot spacecraft with major advantages over current designs...”
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Autonomous NanoTechnology Swarm


Students and staff from more than 15 different colleges and universities have collaborate on ANTS projects.

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